"The Young
Cavalier" c.1848
after William
9 3/4" x 5 7/8" mezzotint.
Publisher : Graham's Magazine/ Philadelphia. Excellent condition ; archi-vally restored. Includes bios. VERY RARE $950.00
For all
mezzos, click :

"The Brides Departure" 1857
(artist uncredited; Welch was a
comtemporary of John Sartain) 6 1/4" x 4 1/4" Ori-ginal
mezzotint from the gift book "The Three Eras of a Women's Life", by T.S. Arthur, 1855. Publisher : L.P. Crown & Co. (J.W.
Bradley/ Philadelphia). Excellent con-dition; archivally restored. Includes copy of dated Title page and Welch's bio.
RARE $425.00
For all
mezzos, click :

after Richard
Westall 8
1/4" x 5 1/2" mezzotint. Excellent condition; archi-vally restored. Includes bios.
For all
mezzos, click :

"The Gazelle" 1852
after Heloise
7 7/8" x 5 3/8" mezzotint. From "Cabinet of Modern Art" Archivally restored in excellent condition. Includes both artists bios.
and copy of title page. VERY RARE $850.00
For all
mezzos, click :

"Gypsy Children"
1850 John Sartain after
Elizabeth Sharp
7 1/8" x 4 5/8"
mezzotint. From "The Snow Flake" Publisher : E.H. Butler & Co./Philadelphia. Archivally restored;
excellent condition. RARE $425.00
For all
mezzos, click :

"The Captives" 1850
after William
7 1/8" x 4 5/8"
mezzotint from "The Snow Flake". Publisher : E.H. Butler & Co./Philadelphia. Excellent condition;
archivally res-tored. Includes bios. $125.00
For all
mezzos, click :

"When the Swallows Homeward Fly"
William Wellstood
10 !/4" x 6 1/4" Original line & stipple engraving w/cross-hatching and some etching.
Publisher : the "Ladies' Repository"/Cincinati, Ohio. Bears the musical staff annotations of the German transcription below
pub./artist credit, with the English title at margin top. Excellent condition; archivally restored. Includes artist bio. $275.00

"The Little Stranger" 1854 Thomas B. Welch after
H.L. Stevens 6 3/8" x 4" mezzotint from "Angel of the House". Excellent condition; archivally
restored. Includes copy of dated Title page and bios. $325.00
For all
mezzos, click :

